Exceptionally Professionals with years of experience to create, develop and deliver your cherished products.

Paa Kwasi Sam


Paa Kwasi Sam: Founder/CEO. A leader with passion & focus to drive success.

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Danny Arthurs


Danny Arthurs is a Partner, providing invaluable experience and expertise. He's a young Ghanaian Digital artist... who SPECIALIZE in digital painting and graphic DESIGNING...

Angel SirMike


Angel SirMike is a Designer, creating stunning visuals for all projects. Creates designs, art and experiences that engage. A young Ghanaian Creative, .who SPECIALIZE in Graphic DESIGNING and professional photography...

Lawrence Afari (Enzo)


Lawrence Afari (Enzo): Partner. Drives success through collaboration and innovation.

Akua Sam

Business Manager

Akua Sam is the Business Manager - managing finances and resources.